As the weekend draws to a close here’s a little of what caught my eye in the last 48 hours.
Saw Battle of the Sexes the new Emma Stone movie about the 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. Oh what a time it was. Female tennis players paid $1,000 for taking the title while the male champion would take home $12,000. Billie Jean was one gutsy lady to tell them to shove it and go out and start a rival tournament. I enjoyed it. It’s a reminder of how far we have come. Although, nothing is completed. The focus on the personal lives of the two protagonists proves moving, especially in the handling of King’s relationships with her husband and her girlfriend. There’s a great cast in an assortment of supporting roles.
Caught up on Miley Cyrus co-hosting The Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon for the week. Opening with a duet with Adam Sandler of No Freedom in memory of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, joining up with her dad for a Tom Petty tribute. Doing a great rendition of her hit The Climb and writing a thank you note to Hillary Clinton.
Is it weird to feel proud of a girl you watched grow up on the tele as you were raising your own daughters?
I may have fallen into a bit of a Cyrus rabbit hole here because then I went on to listen to her newest release, in collaboration with her godmother Dolly Parton, a clever use of messages from the Dolly at the beginning and end of Rainbowland.
The New Midlife Crisis for Women how tired are we all?
A profile piece on Laura Brown, an aussie done good in New York where she is editor-in-chief of InStyle.
A lot of the weekend has been taken up with driving practice, we are nearing the end of the learning-to-drive experience, wish us her luck!
What have you’ve been up to this weekend?
Oh gosh, I remember the anxious days before the driving tests so well. Very good luck to both of you (:-) ) and I hope your daughter gets through with no glitches. May she have a long, happy and incident free driving career for the rest of her life.
My weekend has mostly been about painting (a new pergola!), enjoying a rare few drops of rain and trying to catch up on family correspondence 🙂
Raining her too now.