Dear Readers,
I tried to get over my anger regarding feminism/equality/commentators but I failed.
So for the next five days I’m going to inflict upon you The F Series. It’s a series where I wander aimlessly through the vast empty expanse of my tired mind to try to sort exactly what I think about that bloody F word.
Hopefully, there may be some laughter on the way, somewhere, but I can’t promise it.
So, you wonderful elite bunch of beautiful people just bear with me for five days. You don’t have to read if you don’t want (but if you could still click in that would be nice because my meagre stats are even more shot to hell at the moment and I do have to try to work on that once I stop ranting). If any of you (that includes you blokes too) want to say anything at all about any of the posts PLEASE DO. You can even disagree with me, I’m cool with that as long as we are all respectful, snarking is not allowed.
I’m angry because I feel contemporary feminism is not acknowledging some of the social and domestic challenges of the past 40 years and voices are being lost or alienated because of a mode of communication which defaults to put-down and snark rather than appreciating the world is big place, every individual experience counts and we can all benefit from really trying to LISTEN occasionally.
So here in my little mini media empire, where funny, clever, ordinary people gather to have a laugh, or cry, or think (that’s you readers that I’m talking about there) we are going to investigate just what feminism means to ALL of us.
So first post will be up tomorrow.
Looking forward to reading your views – and joining in the discussion :))
fascinating as I am putting together a submission to a book on pro-life feminism. Some feminists would say that a pro-woman stance cannot be reconciled with pro-life- that as a mother of nine I am not pro people or a feminist
The pro-life/pro-choice debate certainly divides. Here in Australia pro-life would almost definitely eliminate you from consideration as a feminist (going by some of the opinion pieces around about convervative writer/commentator Melinda Tankard-Reist). I am really interested in your submission to the book. You have reminded me of the complexity of this topic – it is so overwhelming!
Love that you want to join in the discussion!
I’m in.
I’m interested. I am looking forward to reading.
Bring on the discussion – topics like this are very interesting!