- Once the teenager obtains her licence you will be required to submit booking requests to drive your OWN CAR.
- Having a licence for six days makes her an expert and enables her to give YOU DRIVING ADVICE.
- Dragging teenagers out of the bedrooms they have inhabited for days on end into the sunlight of an outdoor experience is a CRIMMINAL OFFENCE.
- They love you deeply as long as your needs don’t interfere with their sleeping, socialising or internet usage.
- Obviously they care if you are ill but if you’re still breathing you are going to cook dinner aren’t you?
- They can’t empty the dishwasher because (a) they have to study for exams (b) they have an assessment due (c) they are tired from soccer training (d) they have to take an absolutely urgent phone call from their friend.
- Under no circumstances is the “old person’s radio station” to be turned on in the car – it will induce a severe allergic reaction including eye-rolling, heavy sighing, head-in-hands despair.
- Anything that is ever lost is YOUR FAULT and you must immediately drop whatever you are doing and FIND IT.
- Appearances at school are strictly monitored and at no time are you to leave the vehicle if you are wearing anything daggy – which frankly is most of your wardrobe.
- They secretly know how to cook, clean and take care of themselves but see no point in wasting energy on that while they have you around – plenty of time for that when they escape into the real world.
Any other rules at your house?
Hahaha Janine! It’s such a ‘great’ time in motherhood isn’t it!
I lost my shit a couple of weeks ago because I was over my lots lazy bums. Seriously between 5 of them the washing and wiping up seems to be an undoable job! What is with that?!
Anyways, I’m hearing you hun! xoxo
Oh the joy of it all.
Well summarised. We are just embarking on this stage. Up to now I always felt we could stay one step ahead. I no longer feel this way and I am not enjoying this loss of control.
It can a be a difficult time Kylie & often hard to remember that underneath it all they are still the gorgeous children you love to bits. It’s good that Janine can give us a laugh about it.
It’s a fun ride.
I’ve heard a theory that teenager-hood is extending into the 20s in this modern age. That certainly feels true for me as my son in 20 going on 16. With him, anything that interferes with gaming is a capital offence.
I also routinely cause public humiliation by distributing condoms to his friends (I work in sexual health). Well actually the friends are very appreciative, but for him it’s excruciating.
Oh I love that you distribute condoms – so practical yet embarrassment plus for him.
Yes, perfect all round really 😉