I have exactly 14 minutes to write and publish a post.
If I fail to do so the world will end!
OK I may be exaggerating.
If I fail to do so I will fail at my self-imposed goal of posting every day in June.
Why do I do this to myself? Why do I set myself challenges only to freak out if I don’t complete them.
After all in the grand scheme of things if Shambolic Living doesn’t get published today what will matter? It’s not like the Sydney Morning Herald decided to skip a day, although considering the current state of mainstream media that may not be so far-fetched an idea.
Am I the only person who does this? Is it an online thing? Bloggers are big fans of the old challenge. Although I have vague memories I’ve doing this sort of thing in the real world too.
But I also remember completing a lot of challenges in the real world, getting a degree, working in the media, buying a house … perhaps back then there were fewer distractions, less pulls on your time and attention, from children to Pinterest there’s now a million ways to procrastinate while being gosh damn busy.
Do you inflict random pressure on yourself with your goal setting? Is goal setting an outdated concept confined only to the self-help gurus spruiking their latest “change-your-life book?
Hitting publish with four minutes to spare. Remember I didn’t promise you QUALITY in this challenge just QUANTITY.
I think goals, big and small are great as personal incentives. A bit like the “little engine who thinks he can” and finally achieves his goal after a lot of effort. Shopping lists, bucket lists, getting the kids to school on time with all the gear they need for the day…. they are all goals. Keep up the blog a day goal, you will feel good at the end 🙂
Yep, I’m going to make it, I am, I am.
Hi Janine, congratulations on achieving your every day in June blogging month. I have been following along with your posts, and I know it must be so hard at times to keep posting while you are grieving and trying to deal with a new reality at the same time. Big hugs to you, also I don’t read the SMH every day but I do read your posts every day haha. I am a fan of a blogging challenge as it gives me something to blog about! xx
Thank you Lisa, a challenge does help to get you focused.