It’s Thursday? How did it get to be Thursday? In holiday mode where one day blurs into the other it’s a surprise to discover today’s post should have given you another scintillating serve of Diet, Question, Try Not to Kill The People You Live With.
I am attempting a journey of self-discovery along the lines of the Eat, Pray Love bestseller but with no money for travel and little time to ruminate on whatever I unearth. So far I’ve attempted to mediate, consulted the stars, created a single word for the year, designed both a bucket list and a reverse bucket list, I’ve also worked out the 20 things you should know before you hit 40.
Today, well to be honest I’ve been super busy. I’ve been reading books, going to the movies (Parental Guidance, it’s funny, even if my child was surprised at “how good those old grandparents were” yep Billy Crystal and Bette Midler got the acting tick of approval from Hippie Child – I tweeted to let them know).
I’m also still recovering from a failed mission to catch a bus into town. You see we are a one car family again for a brief period. So yesterday, one of the hottest days of the year, the children and I decided to catch a bus into town. The children showed me a shortcut to the bus stop, which involved scaling a BIG HILL. We made it to the stop, only to have Nana Shambles drive by, get blinded by my glowing red face and stop to offer us a lift.
My caring children did consider that their shortcut plan might have not been the wisest of choices.
Hippie Child: “I told you she wasn’t going to be able to manage the shortcut”.
Princess Child: “I didn’t realise it was going to kill her. Mum really you can’t die, you can’t leave us with Dad, he makes us clean up all the time. I mean we’d manage, but it would be a struggle.”
Me: “Glad to know you would somehow learn to cope, I know that whole cleaning your bedroom thing is a sacrifice and all. Did anybody bring water, why didn’t anyone bring WATER”.
Hippie Child: “What time do they stop serving at the Japanese restaurant? Are we going to make it? I only came for the Japanese.”
Me: “I just need to stop for a minute and catch my breath”.
Hippie Child: “You know you are sitting in an ant’s nest?”
Princess Child: “I’m calling Nana”.
Me: “Oh god I think the ants are in my underpants”.
So you can see I’ve been a bit distracted. I was only reminded that I’d missed a post when I saw Elizabeth Gilbert being interviewed on the 7.30 Report. So today’s post is going to be a word from the woman whose best seller inspired this poor imitation.
Love the titile of your blog and your honesty. Look forward to reading more.
Thanks for stopping by.