I thought about writing a to do list this morning but was too frightened to see how many things would be on it.
Instead my Mummy brain is clogged with 101 things that need to be done with absolutely no idea how I will fit them all in.
So I ditch the attempt to complete a practical activity that would at least knock an item or two off the “things to be done” and turn to creating a wish list of things I think would make my life better.
Can you manifest stuff by writing them on a blog post? What’s that “secret” the law of attraction or something?
If I sit here in my PJ’s and hum while seeing myself with money in the bank will I automatically attract dollars and cents into by account?
Cause that’s at the top of my list. I’ve even assigned an amount (I don’t want to visualise “money in the bank” and find I’ve won 10 bucks on lotto because that’s not going to do the job). I’m gunning for $500,000. I’m not being greedy. I’ve conjured up an amount which will pay off the mortgage, finish the house, buy two new cars and leave a bit of money in the bank to stop that “living from pay-to-pay” syndrome which sucks the life out of you.
I’d also like an ironing lady and someone to clean the house. Of cause the challenge would be getting the clothes washed in time and the house to an acceptable level for someone to actually be ABLE to clean it, but I work best with a deadline, so if I know the cleaner is coming on Thursday I will spend all night Wednesday nagging my children and hiding the mess in cupboards.
If we are sticking with the “you can have anything you want” theme. I’d also like a chef. Someone to produce delicious, calorie controlled meals, the aromas tickling my nose as I enter the house. A friendly chap who when the kids ask “what’s for dinner?” I can say “ask the chef”. Do chef’s do the food shopping as well? Oh I hope so, this is looking better and better.
Then how about we throw in a PA. Someone who can take charge of paying the bills, completing the school paperwork (and making sure it gets handed in on time) and organising the family diary.
Then as a final act of fantasmorcorical perfection let me hire an interior decorator. Someone to buy furniture to replace the “living in the 80’s” style collection we currently have on display and put the finishing touches to the now-completed house.
What will I be doing throughout this? Why I will be searching Pinterest for images to be brought to life by MY STAFF.
PA, I need you to recreate the mad hatter birthday party theme.
Chef, we absolutely must have Nigella’s Irish Cream Tiramsu.
In hindsight I probably just need a wife.
So as the morning sun rises my real world responsibilities begin to invade my wonderful fantasy life. Instead of delegating and directing my staff I will get my ducks in a row and just keep on swimming!
nmsullivan0909 says
yes, janine – time for some coffee and to get out of those pjs. i wish all your dreams come true, and in the meantime, that you have a job you enjoy and fun times with your family. best wishes, n
What Sarah Did Next says
BWAH! I think most women need a wife, Janine – someone to do all the hack work and free us up to do all the fun stuff!
I’m a big believer in lists too – I write them every day – as I heard somewhere that if you wrote something down you are more likely to actually DO it. I need all the help I can get.
Janine says
Imagine what we could achieve if we had someone else to do all the boring stuff!
alana says
Oh how I’d love a personal assistant. If I had one of those, perhaps she’d have sold all my kids school raffle tickets for me rather than me having to pay for them myself.
Madoqua says
Look on the bright side – with all that help, you may find the challenges are too easily achieved and you may hanker to have control of your space again! It would also be sad to have the kids grow up appreciating the chef’s Tiramsu instead of that recipe that “only my mum can make properly”! 🙂
Janine says
I’ve spent a fortune buying all the fundraising tickets, chocolates, donuts etc etc.