Holidays are over so it’s back to school and work today. What have you got planned for your week ahead? Hope it’s a great week for you.
By Janine 6 Comments
Janine Fitzpatrick is a personal blogger with an untidy house, imperfect children and no celebrity friends. Read More…
One child went off to school today, the other one is back to school tomorrow! Looking forward to a quiet house and being able to actually get things done on Tuesday!
Happy Monday, Janine! Cleaning and going to the dentist here. No school until late August. Joy to you, N.
No more teachers, (me!) no more books, (yay!) retired this year, (yahoo!) dirty looks. WAHOOOOOO! Ok, there are some good things about getting older… 🙂
Congratulations on your retirement – enjoy your freedom.
Do your children get two long breaks throughout the year or just one long break during the summer?
They have four school terms. So they have two week breaks one around Easter, another in July, another in September and then a big six week break in December/January.