I may have extricated myself from my family for four days to attend WordCamp Gold Coast (and let me tell you that takes more logistical manoeuvres than the allied troops arrival in Afghanistan) but when my youngest daughter discovered I could check my messages it was on …
YD: I love u so much mum and If u get this at the b’s remember to call every night.
Me: I love you too Princess. Miss u heaps.
YD: Same.
YD: What time is your blog thing today?
Me: 9 – 5 I’m there now.
YD: Are u having fun mum?
Me: Yes it’s good.
YD: That’s good I miss u a lot so what do I have to do
Me: Go read one of your books.
YD: I am, why? I’m reading the people of sparks it came so we got it from the library today because I got a letter saying that if had come.
Me: Fantastic.
YD: This may be the last message for awhile. before I meant what do u have to do at the blogging thing and when do u get back?
Me: Oh I didn’t understand I have to sit and listen. I get back to port about 12 on Monday.
YD:Do u get breaks?
Me: Yes
YD: R U at B’s yet?
Me: No, still at the uni.
YD: What’s uni mean?
Me: University.
YD: Why r u at uni mum? and hope you r having fun at blogging thing.
Me: The blogging thing is being held at the uni … can you make sure you all tidy up the house because K is coming tomorrow to go to dance, also can you get Dad to buy the Sunday Telegraph it’s got an article in it I want to talk about in my blog.
YD: Ok dad has gone to bunnings and C and M are coming to nobbies with us to walk the dogs I wish u were here and we will try to get the house cleaned up.
YD: Mum I wish u were home.
Me: Be back tomorrow. Have fun at the beach.
YD: Your blog thing how u made it auto and every day a articles come up is good.
Me: Thanks for checking.
YD: Mum do u know where my tights are because I need them for dancing please I need u reply.
YD: Don’t worry I found my tights.
YD: Night night love u terra nova was good and we taped it for u love u can’t wait to see u tomorrow.
Me: Good night darling.
YD: And sorry forget to tell dad to buy the paper u wanted so sorry.
I have to remember that in a few years time she won’t care if I disappear for four days (note no messages from the 14-year-old).
So sweet! It’s good to remember that these are precious years. Sounds like she really loves here mum! (Did I use the correct Aussie term there? 🙂 )
*her* mum
Yep, Heidi you got it right, mum not mom.
As “K” ‘s mum, please do not worry about tidying up the house. Remember YOU are doing us the favour by taking her to dance, and as I have told you before, real friends do not worry about how tidy other people’s houses are! Loving your blog, please believe in yourself as your writing is beautiful and it’s nice to be reminded that it s not just me that lives in a chaotic household!!!
Thanks Ally.
How sweet! My daughter is turning 9 tomorrow-11/11/11 .
I’m loving this age, your daughter sounds gorgeous!.
Thanks Di, Happy birthday to your daughter. I saw the sneak-peek of the “ice-cream” party – it looks great. (Click on Diane’s name to see what she has planned for her daughter’s birthday party).