Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash
Hi, I’m just here unwrapping the dust covers, brushing down the spiderwebs and sweeping up the left-over dreams of my tiny little space on the internet.
I know I’ve been gone almost 12-months. I’m not even sure how that happened. A full-time, stressful job. Two daughters morphing into adults where they need you less, need you more, need you less.
Somehow along the way I lost the mojo to sit here and talk to you all, but gosh I missed you. Almost every day an idea for a post would pop into my head, it was just the energy to sit at the computer and craft it into interesting content was missing.
But today I’m back, this time I hope for good.
So I’m desperately waving, hellooooooo, is anyone out there?
If you have clicked through, leave me a comment here, a facebook like or comment, follow me on twitter, instagram or pinterest, just to give a flicker of hope that poor old Shambolic can be resurrected.
There’s so much to fill you in on.
It’s been almost four and half years since we lost Simon and I’ve lived all of that time in a fog of grief that has to be waded through on a daily basis. It’s exhausting, even when it’s no longer obvious.
However, today on the first day of spring here in Australia, there’s a slight shifting. I think maybe, just maybe a little tiny bit of the old me is resurfacing. For the first time in a long time I’m feeling a sense of hope. I’ve spent the past couple of days thinking of new ideas and even making a few plans. OK, maybe that has been forced upon me by a financial counsellor telling me I need to earn more money, apparently in 2018 a full-time, pretty good paying job, isn’t enough to sustain a family of three and I need to embrace the side hustle. But more of that in a minute.
I’m 50 now. The girls are 21 and 18. Hippie Child will, in the next few months, finish her degree and be a fully qualified Natural History Illustrator. Princess Child will finish her HSC and we will be done with school! Oh yeah!!!!!
I must say, Shambolic Living, has been good to me, even while in hiatus. At the worst of times you people provided support and friendship that was so very comforting. You wouldn’t think strangers from around the world could make a tough time bearable but you did.
It’s funny someone asked me the other day if I had a travel bucket list. I said I didn’t anymore. But as I started thinking about the blog I decided if I was to travel I would love to visit some of you in real life. Don’t panic I’m not planning on arriving on your doorstep with truckloads of luggage and an indefinite timetable, but I would like to wander into the cities and towns you live in and meet up for a long lunch at your favourite local restaurant. Geeze that would be fun.
But back to filling you in on the gossip and explaining how old Shambles has been good to me. An old friend recently got back in touch with me. He saw a documentary featuring a ship he used to serve on in the Navy and it reminded him that he had lost touch with everyone from that time of his life. He began googling some of his old mates and a combination of not changing my name when I got married and Shambolic Living pushing up my ranking in the google search engine meant he found my public facebook page.
It’s a little weird to reconnect with someone from 30 years ago, particularly when they are someone you were pretty crazy about back in the day. But it’s also been lovely. Safe and comfortable and easy. He lives 1300 kilometres away so it’s one of those long-distance friendships but he’s probably the one responsible for my new sense of hope. The feeling that maybe the future might not just be me sitting alone in a big house. Perhaps it will include me dragging a poor dude around the world to meet up with an eclectic collection of individuals of varying ages who have at some point taken to sharing their stories on the world wide web.
I do still have to explain blogging to him, I think he’s having a little trouble grasping the concept. Really, it shouldn’t be that hard to understand, it’s simply when you take to the internet to talk about your life, your problems, your hobbies, your passions, your joys. Yep you make your life public, even though you aren’t famous. You irritate your children by providing too much detail about them online and sharing embarrassing photos which sometimes accidentally appear in google searches. What could possibly go wrong?
It’s also an opportunity to create your own special world where you are in control. Nobody dictates what I can write about here and that I love. It’s a special kind of creative freedom which helps you develop your own style and enables you to work under your own set of values and beliefs.
So part of my rejigging, reorganising is to reinvigorate the blog but this time, according to the very sensible financial person and her highly structured spreadsheets I need to monetise.
I’m not a 100 per cent sure how that will look, if any of you have any ideas please don’t hesitate to share. But over the course of the next few months I’m going to look at ways to do it.
There’s lots of work to do, I have to organise a bribe for Hippie Child’s boyfriend who conveniently is studying computer science and makes really great websites for people who pay him money to do it. I just have to convince him to brighten up Shambolic Living for, well free, or a nice roast dinner at most.
In the meantime, tell me what you used to like about the old Shambolic Living, what you would like to see more of or any new ideas you would like me to have a go at. I’m open to any sort of suggestions, nothing is too crazy. You can comment or if you want to tell me privately the email is shambolicliving@gmail.com
It’s great to be back!
Loved reading this… makes me happy to hear your writer’s voice. It’s authentic and sweet and funny. I’m looking forward to more!
Oh Heidi it’s lovely to know you are still here. Thank you for dropping by.
Glad your back! Very welcome for a meal anytime in Brisbane, with bags💕
Would love that!
So glad you are back! I’ve missed “keeping in touch” with my Aussie friends! 🤗😊
Thank you Kim. So glad you enjoy it.
We don’t know each other, but I found your blog quite a few years ago and loved reading your take on life. In a remarkable parallel, my father passed away just weeks before your husband. My own writing dropped away. It is lovely to see that you are back and doing well. It gives me spirit to find my own voice again. Cheers.
Oh Carol so nice to have you still here. Here’s to getting your voice back. xxx
Welcome back – glad you have found time to blog again. It can be a challenge with busy lives. Wonderful to hear about Hippie Child’s graduation & good luck with the last few months of HSC land!
Thank you so much – you’ve been reading a very long time. So glad to see you are still here and commenting. xxx
She’s backkk! So pleased to read this and hear all your news. Xx
Thanks Kylee and thanks for always reading.
Both Paul and I read. X
Woo hoo. Love you.😊
Love you too Bron. xx
You write so well Janine and great to get genuine thoughts and ideas back from others. Great to have a feeling of optimism and hope for the future….you deserve it!
Thank you Mags.
Hi it’s lovely to hear from you again. Your writing is inspiring and encouraging thank you. I found your blog when we were thinking of moving to Port Macquarie. Now we live down the road (sorry too close to visit for a holiday but am open to meet for a coffee!) and I’ve enjoyed reading your blog from heart. It’s made me laugh, feel sad and also connect with you. Keep it up!
Oh gosh so many people found that one post about Port when they were thinking of moving here! So you did move here? I’m definitely up for a coffee – I’ll bring my friend Sara who also found me thru the blog when she was moving from Alice Springs.
You have a new follower Janine! Bron used to relay your blogs to me but I finally joined FB recently so cruising the technology highway. Although my husband remains in a cul de sac!😃
Welcome Janelle , love that you are here to get the chaos stories first hand!
So glad to have you back Janine. While I have kept up with you on FB I have missed your blog and your writing. More than happy for a lunch date when you’re in Sydney next… or a lunch date in Port next time I’m there visiting our mutual friends.
I would love that.
Hello 🙂 Glad to see you back. Life can often get in the way of a good post, that’s for sure.
Thank you Shiannon yes it’s darn annoying that life thing, I’d like to just sit and blog all day.
Janine, I’m glad you’re blogging again, I find your writing honest and funny.